Taoist Emotional Cleansing PracticeA Taoist emotional cleanse allows you to transform emotions and release stress. So what's involved? Three steps: Scream, Cry, Smile!
Inspiration to Start the Week: Life is PerfectBelieving that life is perfect and that everything happens for a higher purpose leads you to a greater understanding of self and your place in this Universe.
Stepping Beyond a MilestoneWhether public or private, reaching a milestone is a significant accomplishment. Be proud of how far you've come. And then move beyond knowing that only good things are ahead of you.
The Body Never Lies: Insomnia and Jittery NervesFrom computers, cell phones, cell phone towers, TVs, watches, microwaves, and more, devices that seem so necessary to our lives create vibrations that can disrupt our bodies’ healthy functioning. Follow these tips to calm your jittery nerves and get a great night's sleep.
How to Prepare the Body for a Flu ShotIt's natural for the body to get sick. It gives the immune system a chance to get stronger and become more alert. So how do you prepare for a flu shot?
Inspiration to Start the Week: MeditationMeditation is beautiful and powerful. But often times, we think too much about it. We walk into it with our minds, not our free hearts. You must first understand that everything is meditation. Don’t say, “I’m going to practice meditation.” Meditation is not something that you do or you practice. Real meditation just happens. It’s […]
More Than Just a Meaningless HelloHow many times have you passed someone—whether friend or acquaintance—on the street, said a meaningless hello, and carried on with your day without giving it a second thought? All too often, we nod and smile almost as an unconditioned response to a familiar face. We ask “How are you?” without waiting for the answer. This […]
Sow the Seeds of Change in Your LifeTaoist wisdom says change is a natural process. Just look at the world around you: everything changes effortlessly, without stress, without strain. It all flows
A Shift in EmotionsEmotions are part of being human. How can you uncover the root of your emotions on your path toward spiritual growth?
5 Tips for Finding BalanceTry these five health tips to help restore your energy and rebalance your body this summer.
Harmonizing Your Body for Better SleepThe stress of information overload can disrupt your sleep. Try these TCM tips to overcome sleepless nights and alleviate insomnia!
The Skinny on Food AllergiesTCM views food allergies as a symptom of a greater imbalance. Your body has the wisdom to reverse these allergies.