
  • Ancient Story, Modern Message: See It Through
    This Chinese folktale teaches us to see every project through to completion. Stopping halfway is a waste of our time and energy.
  • The Body Never Lies: Tinnitus
    Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a sign that your Kidney function is off-balance. Tune in to the body's wisdom to heal the root cause of tinnitus.
  • Treat with Heat: Sports Injuries and TCM
    Grand Master Nan Lu shares his wisdom on treating sports injuries. Using heat instead of ice allows the body to naturally heal.
  • Only Moments
    Life moves. Each and every day, it changes. Regardless of how much time we get to spend on this spinning planet, we have only moments. Don’t waste them!
  • Be the Sunshine
    Many people find it hard to move past a gloomy day. If the sun just refuses to peek out from behind the clouds, be the sunshine.
  • The Promise of a New Year
    In this new year, we celebrate the readiness to shed the old energies of 2019 and welcome in all that 2020 has to offer. Enjoy our class offerings for the coming year.
  • What’s Your Resolution?
    Happy New Year from TCM World! Have you made a meaningful resolution? This year, resolve to find your inner joy.
  • To Get the Flu Shot or Not
    The flu shot is a highly debated topic. Understand both the Eastern and Western perspectives. Then follow this helpful protocol.
  • Golden Rule #1: There Are No Accidents
    Grand Master Lu shares the first golden rule of health. Everything in life happens to help you live more fully, more spiritually, more creatively.
  • Qigong: Your Ultimate Healing Journey
    Qigong is a powerful and life-changing practice. Follow these tips to experience good results while honoring this ancient practice.
  • Celery: A Surprise Cure for Insomnia
    If you've suffered with insomnia, chances are you've tried just about anything to get a good night's sleep. But has celery made the list?
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: Kindness
    Read on to find out what he has to say.In honor of World Kindness Day, we asked Grand Master Lu about reciprocating kindness. Read on!