Stress Relief
Listen. Can You Hear It?Your body has stood by you through thick and thin. Your inner voice is helping you stay healthy. It deserves to be heard.
Tips to Relieve Stress (and Save Your Waistline)Your Liver is most affected by stress. And when your Liver is compromised, so is your metabolism. Follow these tips to keep stress and anger at bay.
Cast Your Vote For…YOU!When you stop and look at your life, where do you rank? Put yourself back at the top of the list.
A Calmer YouThere are many facets to your daily life, but in all of the hubbub, don't forget the most important part--YOU!
Procrastination: A Mind-Body-Spirit Energy DrainConstant worry and over-thinking unbalances your digestive system. So stop procrastinating, and finish that to-do list. Better yet, forget the list, and live in the moment!
Can’t Sit Still to Meditate? Try This Moving MeditationQigong is an active form of meditation that helps to align your Energy with that of Nature and Universal Qi.
Ditch the Night ShiftWorking the night shift can deplete your Qi and create an imbalance in your body. What can you do to build yourself back up?
Ask Grand Master Lu: AnxietyYou asked and he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about treating anxiety.
Color Your Way to a Stress-Free DayColoring is only for kids, right? Not anymore. Studies prove that coloring is an effective way for adults to reduce stress. So grab your crayons and get started!
TCM Health Tip: Foot MassageStimulating the Liver meridian at two different points on the feet helps unblock Liver Qi and relieve stress and anger.
3 Tips to Support the LiverStrong Liver Qi helps you flow through life with ease and flexibility. These simple tips help you rebalance your body and give your Liver a boost.
Shake and Shout Your Stress AwayStress can have a negative impact on your body—physically and emotionally. Learn how to shout, "I don't care" and shake those stressors away.