Stress Relief

  • More Than Just a Meaningless Hello
    How many times have you passed someone—whether friend or acquaintance—on the street, said a meaningless hello, and carried on with your day without giving it a second thought? All too often, we nod and smile almost as an unconditioned response to a familiar face. We ask “How are you?” without waiting for the answer. This […]
  • Sow the Seeds of Change in Your Life
    Taoist wisdom says change is a natural process. Just look at the world around you: everything changes effortlessly, without stress, without strain. It all flows
  • Guided Meditation With Grand Master Lu
    The benefits of meditation extend far beyond the visible. When we are stressed and anxious, nothing seems to calm as much as a deep, quiet breath. Spending time looking inward is powerful. But the most important part of meditation is clearing the mind. Although emptying the mind is the most important part, it’s also the […]
  • Mind-Body Practices Reverse Harmful Genetic Changes from Stress
    How do mind-body-spirit connections impact immune health? Part 1 of this two-part summary looks at the most recent scientific evidence on connecting to mind and body to undo the harmful effects of stress at the molecular level. Join us for Part 2 to explore ways Qigong maintains and harmonizes body-mind-spirit pathways for healing. Use this information […]
  • Harmonizing Your Body for Better Sleep
    The stress of information overload can disrupt your sleep. Try these TCM tips to overcome sleepless nights and alleviate insomnia!
  • Three Signs That Your Liver Needs a Boost
    Stress and anger can unbalance your Liver. Find out if your Liver needs support and learn how to give it some TLC.
  • Baby Steps Toward Change
    What isn't working in your life? How can you take the steps to fix it?
  • Turning Inward When We’re Taught to Focus Outward
    Meditation is the gift that helps us find our inner core. How can it benefit children?
  • Happy, Healthy Liver
    Spring is the season of the Liver. Is your body giving you signs that your Liver is stressed? Here's how to help!
  • Mindfulness
    Taking just ten minutes out of each day to stop and turn inward is the key to living a mindful life.
  • Just. Chill. Out
    Life is meant to be savored. But how do we enjoy it if we are so caught up in the whirlwind of daily life?
  • The Power of “No!”
    If life is leaving you feeling overwhelmed, learn the power of saying "No." Toddlers may be onto something.