Stress Relief
Reconnect With Yourself in 20 MinutesMany of us get caught up being “connected” and spend less time actually “connecting” to what surrounds us. Leave time to just BE in the moment.
Health Benefits of Taking a BreakTaking a daily break at lunchtime—in the form of a meditation or a nap—clears the mind, calms the emotions, and helps replenish your energy.
Qigong and Stress: How to Restore BalanceWhat's the connection between stress, cardiovascular health, and Qigong?
The Most Important Home You HaveWe put so much effort into beautifying what is around us. Why don't we put the same care into beautifying ourselves? You are worth it.
The Power of a Belly LaughLaughter truly is the best medicine. Treat yourself to some belly laughs today!
Heart Harmony Part 2: Use Love to HealSummer is the season for love and Heart harmony. In this 3-Part series, Grand Master Lu discusses how to use love for healing.
Seasonal Health Tip: Smiling Benefits Your HealthJune is National Smile Month! Smiling doesn't just show off your pearly whites! It is the secret to a long, healthy life.
The Power in Searching WithinHow do you drop the worries of the world and let go of the all-consuming fear that infiltrates our society? You turn inward.
Start Your Spring CleaningLearning to let go and live freely is an important step in creating balance during this transition into Spring.
Presence Over PresentsWe all have something to give. And often, in searching within, we realize that our innate gifts are blessings to all those around us.
Refresh and Renew This Holiday SeasonFeeling low on energy and high on stress? Find your balance this holiday season.
Bite Your TongueWords have the power to do a lot of damage. Bite your tongue (gently), breathe in, and slowly exhale to a count of five.