Qigong Practice
Marty’s Story: A Leap of FaithMarty took a leap of faith by registering for Medical Qigong training with Grand Master Nan Lu. It has helped him in countless ways.
Tom’s Story: Seasonal Transitions Through QigongAfter suffering for years with the seasonal flu, Tom took his health into his own hands. Learn how Qigong helped Tom transition with ease.
Amber’s Journey to Freedom with QigongAfter years of tests, unknown illness and poor health, Amber turned her life around with Qigong. Now, free from dis-ease, she has found true healing.
Teachings of November’s Full MoonNovember's full moon is known by many names. One resonates with the Lung/Large Intestine. How can the full moon help you let go?
Edna’s Story: Winter PreparationLearn how Edna's yearlong Qigong practice reminds her of the beauty of the changing seasons and helps prepare her for seasonal transitions.
Quality, Quantity and the Mind’s Role in QigongMiracles never come from the mind; only from Qi. But in the beginning, the mind will be a bridge to help you experience Qigong. Always remember, quality/quantity.
Virtual Qigong and Consciousness: The Connection2020 has presented our world with a multitude of challenges. We interviewed Grand Master Nan Lu on the benefits of virtual Qigong. Tune in tomorrow for Part 2.
Why Practice Qigong in the Morning?Many people have wondered: What time of day is best to practice Qigong? Grand Master Nan Lu offers his response.
Qigong: Secret Energy PracticeQigong is an energy exercise that was kept secret in ancient times. Qigong is the path to connect to the Universe.
The Awe-Inspiring Power of the MoonCan you fully comprehend the power of the cosmic body that we call "the moon"?
Qigong Practice Through Life’s Twists and TurnsQigong helps us become the embodiment of a winding waterway, allowing us to communicate to both understand and chip away at to learn.
Words of Wisdom: A Tender HeartThroughout human existence, there have been stories of good and evil, of hatred and love, of perseverance and of failure. These human emotions and experiences shape us as individuals as much as they shape the world as a whole. It’s often hard for people to figure out their role in the larger picture. The world […]