Qigong Practice

  • Words of Wisdom: Three Aspects of Qi
    Qi is power, information, and life force. Qigong helps us use our innernet to connect with this Universal life force.
  • The Power of Qigong
    Qigong allows us to access additional Qi–our life force. Once the body’s energetic wisdom is “re-ignited,” the possibilities are endless.
  • Paula’s Story: Lineage and Love
    A Qi-filled mother-daughter visit to the location of their births sparked an intense connection to their invisible lineage.
  • TCM Beliefs: Destructive Energy Patterns Can Be Broken
    TCM is rooted in the principles of prevention. It believes that illness and disease are simply forms of energy. When this destructive energy enters the body, changing your old habits and your energy patterns can bring the body back to health and balance.
  • Celestial Showers Tonight
    The best meteor shower of the summer of 2021 will grace our skies tonight into tomorrow morning. Join us in practice as we connect to this celestial energy.
  • The Road to Self-Discovery
    Self-discovery is a lifelong process. When you feed yourself heaping spoonfuls of love and grace, those around you benefit as well.
  • 256 Years of Wisdom
    A Taoist master who lived to be 256 shares his secret: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.”
  • Connecting to the Source of Qi
    What is the source of Qi, and how do we connect? Grand Master Lu shares three examples to help you visualize that connection.
  • Join the Spring Challenge
    The state of your health in Spring sets the stage for the entire year. Qigong helps you to become alert to Spring messages. Join the challenge!
  • Covid Vaccine: How to Prepare Your Body
    If you are planning to get the Covid vaccine, these tips may help you prepare your body to avoid some side effects.
  • Sensitivity: Connecting with Your Internal Gifts
    Sensitivity is a gift that allows you to connect with an external reality. What do you see? What do you connect with?
  • Let Meditation Move You
    Meditation helps you connect—with yourself, Nature, and all beings—and develop the awareness that you are one with the Universe.