Qigong Practice
Massage the Ears, Warm the BodyYour ears are a microcosm of your whole body. Read on to learn Grand Master Lu's best tip for winter practice.
February’s Celestial Gifts: Green Comet and Full Snow MoonOver the course of this week, we will bear witness to two celestial gifts: the rare Green Comet and February's Full Snow Moon.
The Gift of GeneticsYour genetic code is a treasure. If you express the gene for a specific illness, you also carry the complementary gene to help yourself heal.
Navigating Life’s Traffic to Find Pathways to HealingGrand Master Lu shares how to delve down to the root, or the cause, of a health issue in order to effect change in your life.
Soup’s On! Are You Ready?Seven days of warm, comforting soup and Qigong practices? Yes please! Hurry—Winter Qi Re-Set starts January 15!
Leonid Meteor Showers: Nature’s FireworksAs Earth crosses paths with the comet Tempel-Tuttle, meteor showers will brighten our night sky. This is a clear reminder of the connections we all share.
Ask Grand Master Lu: Qigong vs Physical ExerciseYou asked, he answered. Grand Master Lu shares the difference between Qigong practice and physical exercise.
Living Moment to MomentCan you live moment to moment? Qigong may help you discover that time and space are relative. Life is intertwined. Everything is connected.
The Importance of a Solid FoundationA strong foundation is essential, so do you focus on symptoms or try to ascertain what caused the foundation to crack in the first place?
Your Self-Healing AbilityEach and every person has an innate self-healing ability. TCM doesn't fight with illness. It's goal is to restore balance and healing.
Reaching a Higher LevelWith dedicated, quality Qigong practice, each individual can reach their own level of healing.
Qigong and Stress: How to Restore BalanceWhat's the connection between stress, cardiovascular health, and Qigong?