Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Words of Wisdom: Seeing Beyond the Visible
    We've come to expect certain constants, even if they are not visible at a given time. Can you see beyond the visible? What’s happening underneath?
  • 5 Tips for Finding Balance
    Try these five health tips to help restore your energy and rebalance your body this summer.
  • Balance
    What does balance truly mean, and is it attainable? Join us the next few Fridays as we delve into this concept and understand its application to our lives.
  • The Body Never Lies: Winter Blues
    The winter blues are the body’s way of communicating. Follow these tips to bring your body back into balance.
  • Never Waste Anything–Including You
    Instead of focusing on the end result, see everything you do from an energy perspective. How much Qi do you waste?
  • Two Words for ’24
    The next 365 days are yours to discover. Instead of pinning yourself down to a conventional resolution, choose two words to lift and guide you.
  • What Do You Carry Into the New Year?
    We all carry emotion—some comforting, others too heavy to bear. Leave 2023 in the rear view mirror. Only carry joy into the new year.
  • New Year. Endless Potential
    Nature's time is like a train that doesn't stop and doesn't leave. It just comes. You have to get on board. Are you ready?
  • Refresh and Renew This Holiday Season
    Feeling low on energy and high on stress? Find your balance this holiday season.
  • Grow in the Direction of Your Focus
    You hold the power. Change your perspective, and you'll change the path.
  • Your Life is a Dance
    In dance, each motion is woven into a story. Life is the same way. With each new movement, action, and connection, a new dance is shared.
  • A Small Word With Great Meaning
    The words "get well" imply a message of hope during illness. By simply changing "get" to "stay," you send a message of balance.