Mind, Body, Spirit
Liver and Stomach: Digestive PartnersDid you know? The Liver is responsible for supporting the entire digestive system. Learn how these two organ systems are connected.
Inspiration to Start the Week: Seeing New OpportunitiesNature provides us with one spectacular moment after the next. We can choose to see through these moments or get lost in their rapture.
Breaking the Seasonal Allergy CycleBreak the cycle of seasonal allergies with TCM. Learn how changing your mindset and approaching health from a fresh, new perspective can help you to heal.
Earth Laughs in FlowersJust as a giggle bubbles up and erupts into bellowing laughter, flowers begin to sprout and then unfurl into gorgeous creations.
What Do You Give of Yourself?We often give and give, and then give some more. But all of this giving taxes our resources. Find balance!
The Promise of SpringMaster Lu reflects on the promise of Spring and the opportunity to catch this rising energy to allow ourselves to grow.
Life Is What You Make Of ItWeave yourself a life filled with joy.
What Do You See?When you wake up on a gloomy day, what do you see—the pending storm or the possibility for a rainbow? Your perspective attracts like energy.
Learning to ListenEvery ache, pain, or symptom that you feel is a message from your body. Your job is to listen. What is your body trying to tell you?
Waiting For the Abundance of SpringSpring is on the horizon, but the seasonal essence is cold. Slow down and turn inward. Deeply rest in preparation for your own Spring renewal.
Chinese Medicine for Men’s HealthThe quality of a man’s health is related to the amount and quality of his Qi. Follow these tips to boost Kidney function.
Love the One You’re WithThere's only one person you're guaranteed to spend life with—YOU! Celebrate who you are. Enjoy the journey.