Mind, Body, Spirit
Awakening to WellnessFinding true health is about listening to your body—not your mind—and tapping into its innate ability to self-heal.
Feed Your SoulSurround yourself with only good. Let everything that is around you feed your soul.
Life Lessons from BambooNature provides many life lessons, if only we know how to read them. What can we learn from Nature's rooted yet flexible plant, bamboo?
Finding Inspiration: Creating the Life You Were Born to LiveWhile inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes, perhaps the greatest of inspirations needs to come from within.
One Small ChangeSometimes the smallest changes in our lives reap the biggest rewards.
Finding Year-Long Emotional BalanceBy understanding the energies associated with each season, we can keep our minds and bodies balanced throughout the year.
Words of Wisdom: Love and Hate"Hate is like a spear—it has only one point, one focus; love is like the ocean—it encompasses everything" -Grand Master Nan Lu
How Do We Let Go?As we go through our lives, we hold onto feelings, emotions and memories that we no longer need. How do we begin to let go?
Ask Grand Master Lu: How Emotions Impact HealthYou asked, he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about the connection between emotional and physical health.
Taoist Emotional Cleansing PracticeA Taoist emotional cleanse allows you to transform emotions and release stress. So what's involved? Three steps: Scream, Cry, Smile!
Ask Grand Master Lu: Does All Energy Carry a Message?You asked and he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about energy and the messages carried within.
Gaining Energy, Losing Energy and Growing OurselvesQigong is an intuitive understanding of the infinite connections in this world. Practicing Qigong will grow you and change you, but you need to be committed. Be peaceful; love yourself.