Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Emotion Commotion
    We all have emotions. That's part of being human. But excess emotions can create commotion in the body. Learn to let it go!
  • A Reflection of the Truth
    Seeing with our minds is limiting. It prevents us from truly experiencing the world on a deeper, more profound level.
  • And the Award Goes To…
    On a recent retreat weekend, our students celebrated the Year of the Pig with an awards show of their own. Drumroll please...!
  • Tap Into the Spirit of Earth Pig Energy
    The Spirit of the Pig is gentle and optimistic. With faith in yourself and a positive outlook, your goals and riches can be realized
  • A Balanced Life: Your Heart Knows the Way
    Life is unbalanced. Our lives are stressful. So how do we release the constant barrage of thoughts? Follow your heart. It knows the way to balance.
  • Reflection of Your Spirit
    Illness and disease are just a shadow of the highest, spiritual dimensions. Everything is a reflection of your spirit.
  • A Change in Perspective
    Everything is energy—including emotions. Looking at people and experiences from this perspective can help your emotions to flow smoothly.
  • Lucky Charm
    What intention do you set out in the world? Become your own lucky charm.
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: Emotions
    You asked and he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about expressing your emotions.
  • Energetic Properties of Foods: Dandelion
    Grand Master Lu discusses energetic properties of food, namely dandelion, and shares that every food contains a different energy.
  • Soul Food
    Your body's fuel consists of much more than food. What do you truly "feed" your body? Do these messages nourish and support your soul?
  • Taiji: Meditation in Motion
    Often called "meditation in motion", graceful Taiji movements have restorative and healing benefits that impact your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.