Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Sweet: The Power of the Spleen/Stomach and Liver
    Do you crave sweets? It could be a stress-response from your body. Tune in to your body's messages!
  • Once in a Blue Supermoon
    The third of four full moons in Summer 2024, the Super Blue Sturgeon Moon will reach peak illumination on August 19 at 2:26 PM EST.
  • Making Time for You
    Who or what is the priority in your life? Learn to take time out for you, so that those watching can learn to put themselves first as well.
  • Liver and Stomach: What’s the Connection?
    What's the requirement for absorbing and digesting more of the material our body chooses to accept? Flow! Everything in the body must flow.
  • Love It, Let It Be
    "...If you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."
  • Words of Wisdom: Summer
    Summer is all about connection. We connect with Nature, each other and ourselves as we allow peacefulness to infuse itself into our very being.
  • Room to Rest, Space to Regrow
    Can you allow yourself room to rest and space to regrow?
  • Finding Personal Freedom
    This week, we celebrate our nation's independence. How can you achieve your own personal freedom?
  • An Exploration of Spirit
    Exploring Spirit is a challenging journey. You must open your mind to unlimited possibilities and reality so you can experience your intuition, creativity, and imagination.
  • All Stages of Growth
    The beauty of nature lies in the unseen—the messages within the messages that we can translate to our own lives. What messages do you receive?
  • Yin and Yang in Harmony
    Yin and Yang are complementary energies that continually rebalance to create a state of perfect harmony. Can you see it working in your life?
  • The Yin and Yang of True Health
    Everything is continually rebalancing to create a state of harmony—when complementary things blend seamlessly into one—a perfect whole.