Mind, Body, Spirit
Ancient Story, Modern Message: Bowl of RiceThis ancient story teaches us that while an act of kindness may seem small and insignificant to you, it truly can change someone's life! Be kind always.
Xiao Dao: Joining Life’s Creative Flow for HealingAcupuncturist Renee Lehman, LAc, shares how Xiao Dao enlivened both her life and her practice. Experience transformation with Xiao Dao!
Discover Your Own Healing PowerEverything is energy. A harmonious body knows how to increase its energy. But this wisdom does not come from the mind. Can you trust your intuition?
Paula’s Story: The Power of Xiao Dao in Healing PracticePaula used Xiao Dao to discover her own spiritual and creative growth. She now shares this gift with clients to activate their own forms of self-expression.
Seeing Is Believing?How much are you truly capable of seeing and how does your unique perspective influence that? Can you view your health from this lens?
In Tune With Nature’s FlowNature is our best teacher. It provides examples—every season—of how to live in harmony with all that surrounds us. Can you follow its pattern?
Nature Knows: Beautiful “Mistakes”When iron is part of the crystalline structure of quartz, something spectacular results--purple amethyst. Its imperfection is what creates its beauty.
Melissa’s Story: The Power of Xiao Dao in Healing PracticeAs an integrative medicine physician, Melissa aligns the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine with modern science.
Xiao Dao: Illness is Limited. Health is UnlimitedThe key understanding that your body can heal itself views health as a state of balance. In our Xiao Dao training, you'll discover opportunities to achieve unlimited health.
Living an Inspired LifeInspiration can come from just about anywhere. When it hits, let it impact you. It may just change your life for the better.
Five to ThriveTry these five lifestyle choices the ancients in China tuned into to help restore your energy and rebalance your body, mind and spirit.
Blue Zone MagicIn the blue zones, people live longer, healthier lives, often past the age of 100. Discover 9 criteria that contribute to the health of these centenarians.