Mind, Body, Spirit
Only MomentsLife moves. Each and every day, it changes. Regardless of how much time we get to spend on this spinning planet, we have only moments. Don’t waste them!
Four Levels of MeditationGrand Master Nan Lu shares his thoughts on the four levels of meditation. Which one is right for you? Read on (and listen to the interview!) to find out!
Nature Knows: Living HistoryThe history of our great planet is as awe-inspiring as all that it currently nourishes. Just as Earth holds clues to its past, so too do we. You are the keeper of your own story.
Be the SunshineMany people find it hard to move past a gloomy day. If the sun just refuses to peek out from behind the clouds, be the sunshine.
Words of Wisdom"If we don't take, we're missing the opportunity. There is no such thing as next time..."
New Month. New Year. New Decade. New 12-Year Cycle.January 1, 2020 begins a new month, a new year and a new decade. But it is just weeks away from the start of a new 12-year cycle. Align yourself with Nature's time.
To Get the Flu Shot or NotThe flu shot is a highly debated topic. Understand both the Eastern and Western perspectives. Then follow this helpful protocol.
Slow Down With Nature This Holiday SeasonTake a cue from Nature—slow down! Find your balance this holiday season.
The Mirror of Your EmotionsYour whole body is a mirror of the energetic frequencies of emotions. Your body and mind exchange mass all the time.
Ancient Story, Modern Message: See Beyond YourselfThis ancient story leaves us with wide advice: Sometimes fear can get the best of us. But a simple change in perspective can change our lives.
The Chain Reaction of Human EmotionsEver been in the same room as someone who yawned? Chances are you’ve caught on and yawned as well. It’s a phenomenon called “contagious yawning” and has been observed in wild species, such as chimpanzees, wolves, and baboons, as well as in dogs and humans. There are many theories out there as to why one […]
Ask Grand Master Lu: KindnessRead on to find out what he has to say.In honor of World Kindness Day, we asked Grand Master Lu about reciprocating kindness. Read on!