Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Qigong Practice Through Life’s Twists and Turns
    Qigong helps us become the embodiment of a winding waterway, allowing us to communicate to both understand and chip away at to learn.
  • True Healing Begins With Spirit
    Realizing that everything in life has a purpose allows us to let go of our mind in order to access our spirit—and begin the process of deep healing.
  • Look for the Next Sunrise
    No matter how far we walk or how long the day, a new sunrise is always on the horizon. We are in this life together—connected by energy, connected by love.
  • With Our Thoughts We Make the World
    Our world is in need of love, light and healing. All of that goodness starts with each and every one of us. Our collective thoughts are what make the world.
  • Finding Joy Amidst a Cocktail of Emotions
    The events of 2020 have brought up a bevy of mixed emotions. Can you feel these emotions and then let yourself move beyond to find limitless joy?
  • Allow a New Perspective to Help You Bloom
    If you find yourself in a situation that is tough to crawl out from, change your angle. Look from a new perspective to find the good.
  • The Great Comet of 2020
    Over the past five months, we’ve grown accustomed to hearing about news around the world. Although the daily lives of our sisters and brothers in other areas of the world may have seemed distinct from ours before the pandemic, we now realize that what affects one touches many. This world is immense and yet so […]
  • Just a Simple Seed
    This tree has stood in the Inyo National Forest for close to 5,000 years. It began its life as a simple seed. What seeds are you planting?
  • All Mysteries Come From the Heart
    Your Heart is so big—when you put imagination into love, you can achieve great things. But in order to access imagination, your Heart must be pure.
  • Nature’s Gifts. Nature’s Lessons
    In Nature, each moment brings new opportunity. If we watch and listen, we gain something so much bigger than the moment itself. Can we apply the lessons to our own lives?
  • Harmonizing Heaven and Earth
    “Men are born on the Earth, but Life itself is held in the hands of Heaven. When the Qi of Heaven and Earth harmonize, this is called a human being.” -Nei JIng
  • Solitude: A Gift From the Sea
    The serenity of the ocean landscape is reflective of the Spirit of the Heart--the graceful solitude that leaves you smiling deeply and living simply.