Mind, Body, Spirit
Why Practice Qigong in the Morning?Many people have wondered: What time of day is best to practice Qigong? Grand Master Nan Lu offers his response.
Many Different AnglesThe beauty of Chinese medicine is that there are many different angles. Are you flexible enough to change your angle and see a different reality?
Abbe’s Story: Finding Freedom with TCMAfter participaing in our Heart Harmony cleanse, Abbe was able to release fear and anxiety she's held since childhood. What freedom!
Heavenly Bodies and Our Own: ConnectionsOur Universe is immense, and yet it gives us clues as to our own energetic presence. Can you see the connections?
Qi: Where Miracles HappenAt the level of energy, nothing is impossible to heal. It’s where miracles can happen. The requirements for healing just have to be met.
Regaining Digestive BalanceThree organ systems—Spleen, Liver and Kidney—must cooperate fully to create a healthy digestive system. So how do we get the body back to balance after a weekend of indulgence?
Mending Our Cracks With GoldStruggles bring opportunities to find strength, resilience and beauty. Instead of letting broken spaces define us, we fill our cracks with gold.
Words of Wisdom: Nature’s Mind, Human Mind and EmotionsQi is the magical, infinite part of the body that is part of Nature and the unconditional love of the Universe. Without Qi there is no being.
Blow With the BreezeWind is simply moving air, but something about its movement speaks to us. Step bravely ahead, allowing Nature to gently push you in the right direction.
As Good As It SeemsIf we are willing to peek through the trees, beyond the fallen branches and the hot, dark nights to see beauty in everything, we will always find the light.
Laugh FreelyLearn from life's greatest teachers: children. Be free. Live in the moment. Take on less and let go more. And above all, laugh. It keeps you young.
Nature Knows: Trust and FaithNature's creations help us understand the messages of self-love, self-trust and an intuitive faith that comes with knowing oneself entirely.