Mind, Body, Spirit
Words of Wisdom: Emotional EnergiesWe are not just human beings moving in an ever-changing world. We are energy beings, and all that lives, moves and breathes around us is energy as well.
The Freedom to “Be”Allowing yourself the freedom to let go is a gift. Can you picture yourself delving deeply inward, entranced in a dance?
Learning to Appreciate YourselfAppreciate the beautiful, everyday moments in your life. Seeing beauty around us allows us to appreciate the goodness we hold within.
Oneness, Consciousness and Everyday HealthEverything is energy, and everything in life is connected. Your body is a faithful reflection of your inseparable mind and Spirit.
Journey to the Quantum World, the Real OneThrough their different approaches, Qigong masters and quantum physicists have gifted us the understanding that everything is Qi, or energy.
The Body Never Lies – Deepening our Spiritual GrowthEverything is energy. All energy has consciousness. All consciousness has purpose. Therefore, everything has purpose. We just may not be able to understand it. Remember back to when you were a child. While playing with friends, did you ever fall and scrape your knee? Did you ever lean backward onto the back two legs of […]
Life Will Go On: Find Your Inner PeaceLet inner peace be your retreat, and let it lift you higher. Make inner peace your constant. Feel it, breathe it, live it—and then share it.
Nature Knows: One Good Deed Leads to AnotherNature has an intelligence of its own. Trees know to drop their leaves to conserve energy and lessen weight every fall. Seasons automatically shift, without being “told” to do so. Animals place nuts and seeds in safe keeping to sustain themselves throughout the cold, dormant winter. And as smart as its creations are, Nature shows […]
Interrelationships and Chinese MedicineHealth is influenced by inseparable connections. The highest level of healing is about restoring balance, not fighting with disease.
Quality, Quantity and the Mind’s Role in QigongMiracles never come from the mind; only from Qi. But in the beginning, the mind will be a bridge to help you experience Qigong. Always remember, quality/quantity.
Virtual Qigong and Consciousness: The Connection2020 has presented our world with a multitude of challenges. We interviewed Grand Master Nan Lu on the benefits of virtual Qigong. Tune in tomorrow for Part 2.
Fall Cooking: Warming and ColorfulLet Nature speak to you! Join us every Friday to learn how to cook seasonal foods that boost and support your body, from the inside out.