Mind, Body, Spirit

  • The TCM Approach to Healing
    TCM practitioners must understand all the relationships that can impact a person’s health. They look at the visible and dive down to the invisible. Everything is a message!
  • You Are an Artist
    Throughout your life, you paint portraits of the person you are becoming. Everything is a symbol. Catch the message!
  • A Purpose To It All
    We are part of every change. We are swirling bundles of energy, caught up in the power and beauty of life's mysteries.
  • The Road to Self-Discovery
    Self-discovery is a lifelong process. When you feed yourself heaping spoonfuls of love and grace, those around you benefit as well.
  • Out With the Old, In With the New
    Spring is Nature's time to prepare for the year ahead. Take this time to lay the foundation for a healthy, joy-filled year.
  • Nature Knows: Life Lessons From the Birds
    Nature's gifts are endless. How can we apply Nature’s lessons to our daily lives and connect to its creative energy and purpose?
  • The Intelligence of the Liver/Gallbladder Partnership
    The Liver and Gallbladder are lifelong partners. So how does the Liver fare once the Gallbladder is removed? The body is so miraculous!
  • 256 Years of Wisdom
    A Taoist master who lived to be 256 shares his secret: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.”
  • Catch Your Zzzs
    In order to have high-quality healing, we must have high-quality sleep. In order to have high-quality sleep, we must have inner peace.
  • The Mystery of the Five Element Consciousness Framework
    The Five Element Consciousness Framework is about dynamic patterns of relationships. But even today, it remains a mystery.
  • Seeing the Unseen: The Skill of Ancient Masters
    TCM developed through meditative observations of the invisible world. This spiritual practice initiates true healing.
  • Perspective: Looking Up
    Nature fills a lot of movement into a single moment. This constantly moving, Qi-filled force embraces and sustains us.