Mind, Body, Spirit
A Purpose To It AllWe are part of every change. We are swirling bundles of energy, caught up in the power and beauty of life's mysteries.
The Road to Self-DiscoverySelf-discovery is a lifelong process. When you feed yourself heaping spoonfuls of love and grace, those around you benefit as well.
Out With the Old, In With the NewSpring is Nature's time to prepare for the year ahead. Take this time to lay the foundation for a healthy, joy-filled year.
Nature Knows: Life Lessons From the BirdsNature's gifts are endless. How can we apply Nature’s lessons to our daily lives and connect to its creative energy and purpose?
The Intelligence of the Liver/Gallbladder PartnershipThe Liver and Gallbladder are lifelong partners. So how does the Liver fare once the Gallbladder is removed? The body is so miraculous!
256 Years of WisdomA Taoist master who lived to be 256 shares his secret: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.”
Catch Your ZzzsIn order to have high-quality healing, we must have high-quality sleep. In order to have high-quality sleep, we must have inner peace.
The Mystery of the Five Element Consciousness FrameworkThe Five Element Consciousness Framework is about dynamic patterns of relationships. But even today, it remains a mystery.
Seeing the Unseen: The Skill of Ancient MastersTCM developed through meditative observations of the invisible world. This spiritual practice initiates true healing.
Perspective: Looking UpNature fills a lot of movement into a single moment. This constantly moving, Qi-filled force embraces and sustains us.
Words of Wisdom: No Fixed PlansLife is not about planning, or even arriving. It's about fully enjoying each part of the journey.
Create Your Own SpaceYou can’t give from an empty cup. To be able to give to others without draining precious energy, we must begin from within.