Mind, Body, Spirit
Words of Wisdom: Life Is Too ShortLife is too short to be anything but truly happy. So smile a deep smile and share that love with others. And learn to LET IT GO!
September’s Full Harvest MoonThe golden hued Harvest Moon will reach its peak at 7:55 p.m. EDT Monday evening. On Wednesday, we celebrate the autumnal equinox.
Words of Wisdom: Small Changes, Big ResultsAny change starts with a single step, even your health and healing. Follow these tips to begin building the life you've always imagined.
Spending, Saving, and Finding BalanceAt a young age, we all learned the concept of spend and save. But what happens when we apply that concept to energy? Where is the balance?
Finding Freedom as Seasons TransitionEmotions have a profound effect on our bodies. When we let go of continually held emotions, we begin to find our own freedom.
The Downward Spiral of OverworkDo you live to work or work to live? When we work to live, life itself is celebrated. Relationships take priority. We find better balance.
The Power of QigongQigong allows us to access additional Qi–our life force. Once the body’s energetic wisdom is “re-ignited,” the possibilities are endless.
Digesting Our ThoughtsThe quality of your thoughts matters. In the TCM perspective, digestion expands to the mind-body-spirit realm. Your thoughts ultimately affect your wellness.
Communicating With Your Unborn ChildA mother's love goes beyond the visible dimension. Send messages of love and goodness to your unborn child.
Worry and Stress: Give It to the EarthPlaying in the dirt is rejuvenating. The Earth has a way of absorbing our worry and stress so we can see life situations from differing perspectives.
Once in a Blue Sturgeon MoonThe Blue Sturgeon Moon will light the sky on Sunday, August 22, at 8:02 AM EST, two days before we exit the Perseid meteor shower.
Every Single StepHow many days have you been alive? How many footprints have you made? Every single step means something.