Mind, Body, Spirit
The Heart that Gives, GathersThe greatest gifts come from the heart. They enliven us and breathe new life into our weary bones. After all, “The heart that gives, gathers.”
Thankful For a New PerspectiveLife is a gift. And every moment is an opportunity to experience a new perspective. What are you most thankful for?
Inspiration to Start the Week: Look WithinWhere does a soul search take you—to a trusted friend? To the internet? To a therapist? While these are good avenues, the true answer can be found within.
Bite Your TongueWords have the power to do a lot of damage. Bite your tongue (gently), breathe in, and slowly exhale to a count of five.
The Power of the Mind’s EnergyWhile your thoughts may be invisible, they can have a very tangible effect on your body. It's all energy!
Many PerspectivesLife experience offers us perspective, but sometimes we get stuck in the rear view mirror. Let it go to find your freedom.
Let the Good Rise to the TopWhen life hands you lemons, find their hidden beauty. There is a reason and a purpose for everything. Good will always come.
Words of Wisdom: You Are the Missing ElementWith you, the story is complete. You are a diamond. You are gold. You are the missing element.
An Incredible Journey with Wu Ming QigongAmber shares her journey with Wu Ming Qigong and implores you to step on your own path. What can you discover?
The Body’s Powerful Energy Network: MeridiansEverything your physical body shows is based on the health of your meridians. How can you use your meridians to discover yourself?
Skin: Your Protective BarrierOur skin acts as a protective barrier to cushion our internal structures and keep germs out. It protects us. How do we protect it? Find out more!
What Do You Carry?What do you carry in your heart? The heaviness within you colors you. The lightness does the same. Can you begin to let go?