Mind, Body, Spirit
Life Changes Lead to AwakeningsChange allows us to see ourselves in a new and beautiful light. Change allows a new door to open—one that will lead you to a richer awakening.
Using Your Body to Express More Than EmotionInstead of using your body to express your emotions, why not use it to express your gifts?
Completing the Ever-Growing ListEverything you do uses Qi. How much Qi will it take to complete your entire list? And is everything on your list worthy of your Qi?
Taking the Opportunity to Let GoEverything in life is a test. Everything in life is an opportunity. Let go of what holds you back. Allow others the freedom to do the same.
Words of Wisdom: Life Does Not Happen To YouWe are on a journey of trust and faith. The best way to find your path is to trust and have faith that you are right where you need to be.
Words of Wisdom: The Power of Beliefs"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." -Buddha
Create Your Own Energy FieldHow do you relate to the energy of your home? Do you feel more balanced in one room over the other? Give this weekly experiment a try.
March ForthDo as today's date implies: march forth. Step toward your true potential, and allow Nature's breath to guide you in the right direction.
Food for Thought: You Are What You ThinkMany of us are aware of the foods we ingest. What else do we feed ourselves? Negative thoughts drastically impact the digestive system.
Every Birthday is an OpportunityThe month, day, time and location of your birth all have a greater meaning. There are no accidents!
Paint Your Own SunshineWe experience the world we see. You can look out upon thick weeds or beautiful flowers. Which lens do you look through?
Self-Care: A Healing PerspectiveYour perspective has the power to shape your health. Is it illness or your body's path back to wellness and balance?