Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Words of Wisdom: The Power of Beliefs
    "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." -Buddha
  • Words of Wisdom: Becoming Flexible
    Practicing flexibility involves the willingness to hear others, to see situations from multiple perspectives, and to let go.
  • Create Your Own Energy Field
    How do you relate to the energy of your home? Do you feel more balanced in one room over the other? Give this weekly experiment a try.
  • March Forth
    Do as today's date implies: march forth. Step toward your true potential, and allow Nature's breath to guide you in the right direction.
  • Food for Thought: You Are What You Think
    Many of us are aware of the foods we ingest. What else do we feed ourselves? Negative thoughts drastically impact the digestive system.
  • Every Birthday is an Opportunity
    The month, day, time and location of your birth all have a greater meaning. There are no accidents!
  • Paint Your Own Sunshine
    We experience the world we see. You can look out upon thick weeds or beautiful flowers. Which lens do you look through?
  • February’s Full Snow Moon and Planetary Alignment
    February’s Full Snow Moon will reach peak illumination at 11:59 AM EST on Wednesday. Venus, Mars and Jupiter will also be visible.
  • Self-Care: A Healing Perspective
    Your perspective has the power to shape your health. Is it illness or your body's path back to wellness and balance?
  • Rest and Renew
    "If it's not necessary, don’t do it. Without rest, you cannot save energy... When you have energy, the body starts to heal." -Grand Master Nan Lu
  • Meditation—the Wireless Connection
    Meditation is the wireless connection that helps you discover your inner gifts. Join us: Qi and Soup: A Meditative Journey, starting 1/9!
  • Presence Over Presents
    We all have something to give. And often, in searching within, we realize that our innate gifts are blessings to all those around us.