Mind, Body, Spirit
Walk Lightly Upon Earth"We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do." When humans tread softly, Nature sings.
Ancient Story, Modern Message: Powerful WordsThis ancient story teaches us the power held in words. Use your words to help yourself and others to rise up!
Let Trees Be Your GuideFree form, flexible motion is characteristic of the Liver. The Liver helps you flow through life with a freer spirit and greater flexibility.
Finding Perfection in the MomentTiptoe down to the water's edge before the day begins. Watch the entire world start to awaken. What perfectly imperfect treasures await you?
Have Faith: There is Always a SolutionWhat seems out of your hands is that way for a reason. Every problem has a grand solution hidden somewhere behind the clouds
Your Body’s ResourcesWhen you feel run down, what do you do? When we're not quite ourselves, we become aware of our bodies' resources and the way we use them.
The Beauty of Your BirthdayEvery year, you celebrate your birthday. Every month, Nature celebrates with a full moon. These events allow you to reconnect to pure Universal Qi.
Life Changes Lead to AwakeningsChange allows us to see ourselves in a new and beautiful light. Change allows a new door to open—one that will lead you to a richer awakening.
Using Your Body to Express More Than EmotionInstead of using your body to express your emotions, why not use it to express your gifts?
Completing the Ever-Growing ListEverything you do uses Qi. How much Qi will it take to complete your entire list? And is everything on your list worthy of your Qi?
Taking the Opportunity to Let GoEverything in life is a test. Everything in life is an opportunity. Let go of what holds you back. Allow others the freedom to do the same.
Words of Wisdom: Life Does Not Happen To YouWe are on a journey of trust and faith. The best way to find your path is to trust and have faith that you are right where you need to be.