Mind, Body, Spirit
The TCM Model of Breast Cancer PreventionTrue prevention does not focus on cancer but rather on creating good health, which stems from a place of balance.
Words of Wisdom: Are You On Your Path?The secret to good health does not lie in control—it originates in the spirit.
Life’s ChoicesYour choices are like stepping stones that have led you to this very moment. Trace your next steps to create the life you love.
Solving the Mystery: The Answer Lies WithinWhen your body speaks, what does it tell you? Trust your body and your intuition.
Connecting Under the Super Hunter’s MoonHave you taken the time to really see the moon? Seeing involves making a deep connection and feeling it within. Join us in practice.
The Power of MeditationMeditation is restorative. And more than an emotional breather, it gives you the opportunity to cut off your daily expenses. Combining Qigong and meditation goes even a step further.
IntentionsGood intentions have a way of slipping past us—unfulfilled and unnoticed. Now is the time to follow through.
Fall: A Time to Harvest and ReleaseTransitioning from season to season takes energy and balance. By letting go of the old in Fall, we make room for the new.
Qigong and Breast HealthExplore the TCM angle of prevention and healing with Wu Ming Qigong. First session begins Wednesday, 9/11 at 9:30AM EST.
Your Unique GiftYour gift is unique to you. Once you find it, savor it. See how you come alive inside with the awareness that this gift—your gift—is now becoming realized.
Seeing the UnseenWe use our senses to experience many aspects of life. But how do we go beyond? How do we see the unseen?
Words of Wisdom: Making MiraclesHow deep is your belief that nothing is impossible?