Mind, Body, Spirit
Illness and Disease: Effects of Deeper Causes: Part 3Ask yourself, "If I could do anything with my life right now, what would I really want to do?" And then go out and make it happen.
Illness and Disease: Effects of Deeper Causes: Part 2As energy beings, you use your creativity in a unique way. What path will you pursue to achieve your life's purpose?
Late Summer: The Season of Nurturing and TransformationIn late summer, it is important to nurture your body, mind and spirit for year-round wellness.
The Most Important Home You HaveWe put so much effort into beautifying what is around us. Why don't we put the same care into beautifying ourselves? You are worth it.
Illness and Disease: Effects of Deeper Causes, Part 1We typically look at illness and disease as the cause of our problems, when in reality they are the effects of deeper causes.
The Transformation into Late SummerTake note of the changes taking place around you as Nature prepares to transition into Late Summer. Allow Nature to transform you as well.
The Power of a Belly LaughLaughter truly is the best medicine. Treat yourself to some belly laughs today!
Inspiration to Start the Week: Body ForgivenessHave you given thought as to why or how the body recovers? It all comes down to energy.
Qi: Your Invisible TreasureWhether you've met your ancestors or know nothing about your genetic past, your Qi knows. It carries every gift from every ancestor.
The Power of Silence"A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise. This is the power of silence." -Confucius
Happiness is Like a Cloud, Joy is Like a Blue SkyThe goal of all spiritual practice is to discover joy. Joy has to be discovered from within. It is deeply woven into your body, mind, and spirit.
Ask Grand Master Lu: Developing IntuitionYou asked, he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about developing your intuition.