Mind, Body, Spirit
Finding and Sustaining BalanceWhen Qi flows within you and communicates with Qi that flows around you, the body doesn't need to send symptoms. It can simply "be".
The Path to PurposeThe process of self-discovery is an enlightening one. Break through the barriers you've created and get to the root of who you are.
Living Moment to MomentCan you live moment to moment? Qigong may help you discover that time and space are relative. Life is intertwined. Everything is connected.
One Door Leads to AnotherWe are not traveling solo on one linear road. We are meant to take the scenic view and discover the beauty in all aspects of life.
Health Benefits of Taking a BreakTaking a daily break at lunchtime—in the form of a meditation or a nap—clears the mind, calms the emotions, and helps replenish your energy.
Embracing the TransitionAs we transition from Late Summer into Fall, we become more aware of Nature's changes.These changes also take place within you. Can you embrace them?
The Importance of a Solid FoundationA strong foundation is essential, so do you focus on symptoms or try to ascertain what caused the foundation to crack in the first place?
Three Easy Ways to Nurture Yourself with NatureNature is nurturing! Follow these three everyday tips to improve your mental health and nurture yourself with Nature.
Words of Wisdom: Health is an Infinite Path"Health is an infinite path. You can always become better than you are today." -Grand Master Nan Lu
Your Self-Healing AbilityEach and every person has an innate self-healing ability. TCM doesn't fight with illness. It's goal is to restore balance and healing.
Lighten Up! Laugh a Little!As life's pressures take hold, we often get caught up in the minutiae of each day and lose sight of what's important. Take time to laugh.
What You Send Out Always ReturnsKindness is like a boomerang. What you send out into the world always comes back to you in the end. Be kind always.