Mind, Body, Spirit

  • Love: The Highest Form of Meditation
    In love, we drop our minds and experience life through our Hearts.
  • A Heart in Harmony
    Just as the King is ruler of his kingdom, the Heart is King of the organs. A harmonious Heart will create joy and peacefulness throughout the body.
  • See the Good—Be the Good
    In this season of Heart harmony, lead with love. Find the good. Feel the good. Share the good. Be the good.
  • Redefining Success
    Regardless of what you achieve as a result of your hard work—paycheck, inner peace, emotional healing—success can be defined in a multitude of ways.
  • A Healing Mother’s Day Meditation
    Take time for yourself today (and every day) to follow this peaceful meditation. The physical and emotional benefits will surprise you!
  • Sculpt a Life You Love
    Every single day, you get the opportunity to sculpt a life you love. How will today's page end and tomorrow's page begin? It's all up to you.
  • Organ Communication: What’s the Connection?
    Did you know? The connection between Liver Qi and Stomach Qi is what creates healthy Heart function and overall calm in the body.
  • Faith and Flexibility
    Faith has an incredible way of providing infinite possibilities. Instead of looking for why, trust that you are where you need to be.
  • Qigong: Discovering Your Uniqueness
    "When you practice Qigong, Qi opens up your sensibility and you feel everything. The more sensitive you are, the more unique you are." - Grand Master Lu
  • Flexible and Fearless
    Nature provides the best examples: Be flexible and fearless.
  • Healthy Liver, Healthy Life: Part 3
    In the last of this 3-part series, Grand Master Lu shares his wisdom on why the Liver and the Spring season are vital to year-round health.
  • Beliefs: The Ultimate Source of Emotions
    Do you live in the moment? The present is the only place where we are truly alive—it's where intuition operates.