Metabolism Function
The Mind: a Powerful Energetic FrequencyThe mind is energy. The emotions it generates are energy. Beliefs, thoughts and emotions are powerful frequencies that impact the body.
Humans and Food: Their Connection to the UniverseAs fruits and vegetables ripen, they meet Nature's requirements. Eating healing food strengthens our connection to Nature.
Is Sugar Really the Enemy?We all know that too much sugar can be harmful to your health. But a little sweetness goes a long way in getting your digestive system back on track.
The Mind’s Role in Metabolism FunctionEverything that you ingest, you ask your body to digest—whether that's food, worries, or news headlines. And ingesting all of that negativity takes a strong processing system.
Kitchen Pharmacy: Digestive System IssuesWhen you strengthen the function of your digestive system, you help strengthen your body as a whole. Try this warming cereal to start getting yourself back on track.
Keep Your Kids Healthy–Boost Their DigestionGood nutrition builds healthy bodies. Learn how to get the most out of your food and get some tips on how to better feed your kids (and yourselves)!
Digesting the Universe: Healing OurselvesThe blog, "Better Off Well" interviewed Grand Master Lu on his new book, Digesting the Universe. His great insight just can't be missed!
The Power of Beliefs—Mind and Metabolism FunctionLife is in God’s hands; healing is in your hands. What messages do you send yourself on a daily basis?
Digesting the UniverseThe reviews are in! Digesting the Universe is a must-have. Read the review and get your copy today!
Digesting the Universe: Discovering Our True IdentityMetabolism function encompasses ALL stimuli that we ingest—not just food! The stages of metabolism function support the highest level—spirit and life's purpose.
E=mc²: Why Einstein’s Famous Equation = Body, Mind, Spirit HealingBecause everything is energy, according to this famous quantum equation, your emotions and your thoughts profoundly impact your body and physical health, and vice versa! Watch this Youtube video to hear what Master Nan Lu has to say about these interconnections of body, mind, and spirit and how it impacts your healing and well-being.
The Importance of Healthy Digestion: It’s Not Just About Food!Why is it so important to take care of your digestive system? Digestion is an amazingly profound mind-body-spirit multidimensional process. Your digestive system is responsible for processing not only all your food, but also all of your daily emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Your everyday actions, thoughts, and communications all impact your body on the emotional […]