Five Elements

  • The Invisible Energy of Food
    Food contains more than we can ever imagine. By opening up our belief system, we gain tremendous healing benefits.
  • Summer Cooking: Salmon
    Fish is a great alternative to heavy meats in the heat of summer. Try this recipe, simply baked, grilled or topped with your favorites!
  • Summer Cooking: Savory Watermelon 3 Ways
    An energetic superfood, watermelon is a delicious healing treat. But don't just stop at cubed—try these savory recipes today!
  • The Power in Searching Within
    How do you drop the worries of the world and let go of the all-consuming fear that infiltrates our society? You turn inward.
  • Seeing at a Higher Level: The Heart and Small Intestine
    The Heart and Small Intestine are partners. While they do not share physical connections, their relationship can be understood from a higher level.
  • Providing Support to the Whole
    Can you make the link between your energetic body and an assembly line? Energetically, each organ plays a role in helping the whole to function as intended.
  • Dandelion Greens—Healing Helper or Wild Weed?
    Everything in life is perspective. How do you choose to look at dandelion? How you look is what you will see.
  • Meridian Damage and Your Health
    The effects of meridian damage can be understood by Western practitioners who are trained to recognize invisible, energetic pathways and how they sustain health.
  • Spring Cooking: Pucker Up!
    Sour is the taste associated with Spring and the Liver. To help keep this organ system in balance, give these delicious recipes a try.
  • March Forth
    Do as today's date implies: march forth. Step toward your true potential, and allow Nature's breath to guide you in the right direction.
  • Start Your Spring Cleaning
    Learning to let go and live freely is an important step in creating balance during this transition into Spring.
  • Fear is Limiting
    How can you live freely if you are always chained to fear? Fear will always limit your growth.