Five Elements
Skin: Your Protective BarrierOur skin acts as a protective barrier to cushion our internal structures and keep germs out. It protects us. How do we protect it? Find out more!
Life Change—the Consciousness of the SeasonThroughout Fall, Nature continually teaches us how to let go. She leads by example. Can you connect to the consciousness of the season?
Tips for Late Summer BalanceLate Summer is a time to take in, nurture ourselves and find our center. Follow these tips for healing.
Late Summer: The Season of Nurturing and TransformationMid August begins the season of Late Summer, when Nature puts forth its last burst of energy before Fall harvest. Nurture yourself.
Summer Cooking: Eggs for Breakfast, Lunch, and Even Dinner!Eggs for one, two, or even a crowd! Follow this simple recipe to make a healing Summer meal in a snap.
Summer Cooking: Savory Watermelon 3 WaysAn energetic superfood, watermelon is a delicious healing treat. But don't just stop at cubed—try these savory recipes today!
Summer Cooking: Tacos Two WaysLooking for a simple-to-prepare, easy-to-eat, TCM-approved meal that everyone will love? Look no further! (Isn't everything more fun in a taco anyway?)
Summer, the Heart and the Fire ElementSummer—the hot, fiery season where the Heart reins supreme. The Heart coordinates all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual activity.
The Five Element Phases of AdolescenceTeens seem to have their own language and unique way of navigating life. Dr. Cowan gives us the framework to decipher it.
Love: The Highest Form of MeditationIn love, we drop our minds and experience life through our Hearts.
A Heart in HarmonyJust as the King is ruler of his kingdom, the Heart is King of the organs. A harmonious Heart will create joy and peacefulness throughout the body.
Essence: Food’s Healing MessagesThe Qi and healing messages you gain from food are more effective than its nutritional or physical components.