
  • Four of TCM’s Top Weight-Loss Foods
    TCM's approach to weight loss lies in a few well-kept secrets: a balanced body and a diet rich in Qi-boosting fruits and vegetables that are warm and nurturing.
  • Lifelong Health with Dragon’s Way Qigong®
    In this video, Grand Master Lu shares his secret toward lifelong health, happiness, and balance—Dragon's Way Qigong. Register today!
  • Gifts From the Heart
    Those closest to us—including ourselves—deserve the best of us. This Valentine's Day—and every day—shower yourself and those you love with an extra dose of TLC.
  • Seeing With Our Hearts
    Most of us have a hard time letting go. Grand Master Lu takes it one step further—strive to be empty, so each situation is a new beginning.
  • The Power of the Invisible
    Thinking and seeing with only our minds is limiting. The more you can let go of your mind, the freer you are to truly see.
  • Ancient Story, Modern Message: See It Through
    This Chinese folktale teaches us to see every project through to completion. Stopping halfway is a waste of our time and energy.
  • The Body Never Lies: Tinnitus
    Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a sign that your Kidney function is off-balance. Tune in to the body's wisdom to heal the root cause of tinnitus.
  • Walnuts—A Western and Eastern Superfood
    Walnuts—Nature's versatile superfood—are as revered in the Eastern world as they are in Western society. The health benefits of walnuts, both from a nutritional perspective and an energetic one, are astounding!
  • Treat with Heat: Sports Injuries and TCM
    Grand Master Nan Lu shares his wisdom on treating sports injuries. Using heat instead of ice allows the body to naturally heal.