Happy Holidays from TCM World!Happy holiday greetings from TCM World!
To Get the Flu Shot or NotThe flu shot is a highly debated topic. Understand both the Eastern and Western perspectives. Then follow this helpful protocol.
Slow Down With Nature This Holiday SeasonTake a cue from Nature—slow down! Find your balance this holiday season.
Walnuts and the Human BrainWalnuts and the human brain hold an uncanny resemblance. This is not a coincidence. There are no accidents in Nature. Learn how this versatile nut provides energetic support to the brain.
The Power of Numbers… and the Full MoonThe last full moon of this decade will reach its peak on 12/12 at 12:12 am. The larger Universal message is one of completeand total balance.
The Mirror of Your EmotionsYour whole body is a mirror of the energetic frequencies of emotions. Your body and mind exchange mass all the time.
Ancient Story, Modern Message: See Beyond YourselfThis ancient story leaves us with wide advice: Sometimes fear can get the best of us. But a simple change in perspective can change our lives.
Golden Rule #1: There Are No AccidentsGrand Master Lu shares the first golden rule of health. Everything in life happens to help you live more fully, more spiritually, more creatively.
Qigong: Your Ultimate Healing JourneyQigong is a powerful and life-changing practice. Follow these tips to experience good results while honoring this ancient practice.