Qigong for Coronavirus PreventionNow is the time for prevention, not fear. Understand how Coronavirus affects the body energetically, then take steps to enhance your immune system.
The First Supermoon of 2020March's Full Worm Moon, the first of three supermoons, helps usher in Spring with renewed energy. Join our virtual practice on Monday at 1:48pm.
Letting Go of the ListWe often fall prey to the "to-do" list. Here are some tips to release your hold on some visible and invisible responsibilities and begin to let go.
Parenting: Frustration is Steeped in FearWe all enjoy a good laugh when we hear a comedian’s funny one-liners. But in reality, jokes are there for more than just immediate entertainment. They help you to see your own frustration or fear on a deeper level. It’s no coincidence that we find certain jokes funnier than others. We often laugh at jokes […]
Words of Wisdom: Faith — The Foundation of QigongFaith is an inward journey that you must walk alone. It is a winding road that leads to the greatest reward: the belief that anything in life is possible.
Walk Your PathThere are no mistakes in life. Once you step foot on your path, you'll see that it had been waiting for you all along.
The Greatness Behind the DoorTaking a risk is always scary, but pushing fear aside and taking a chance can open many new horizons. Will you take the leap?
Avoid Allergies by Aligning With NatureTCM looks at allergies from the inside out. It's about you, your immune system and your ability to connect smoothly with Nature's energy transitions.
But First, Love YourselfSpread your love to those around you. But first, love yourself. You are a treasure.