
  • Qigong for Coronavirus Prevention
    Now is the time for prevention, not fear. Understand how Coronavirus affects the body energetically, then take steps to enhance your immune system.
  • The First Supermoon of 2020
    March's Full Worm Moon, the first of three supermoons, helps usher in Spring with renewed energy. Join our virtual practice on Monday at 1:48pm.
  • Letting Go of the List
    We often fall prey to the "to-do" list. Here are some tips to release your hold on some visible and invisible responsibilities and begin to let go.
  • Parenting: Frustration is Steeped in Fear
    We all enjoy a good laugh when we hear a comedian’s funny one-liners. But in reality, jokes are there for more than just immediate entertainment. They help you to see your own frustration or fear on a deeper level. It’s no coincidence that we find certain jokes funnier than others. We often laugh at jokes […]
  • Words of Wisdom: Faith — The Foundation of Qigong
    Faith is an inward journey that you must walk alone. It is a winding road that leads to the greatest reward: the belief that anything in life is possible.
  • Walk Your Path
    There are no mistakes in life. Once you step foot on your path, you'll see that it had been waiting for you all along.
  • The Greatness Behind the Door
    Taking a risk is always scary, but pushing fear aside and taking a chance can open many new horizons. Will you take the leap?
  • Avoid Allergies by Aligning With Nature
    TCM looks at allergies from the inside out. It's about you, your immune system and your ability to connect smoothly with Nature's energy transitions.
  • But First, Love Yourself
    Spread your love to those around you. But first, love yourself. You are a treasure.