Take A Leap Of Faith!Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or to try? Does that little voice inside you stop you? Why not flip it over and let your inner voice guide you to try something new? Allow your intuition to lead you down a path of excitement and creativity. Take a leap of faith! “The seed […]
You Are a Child of the UniverseIn this YouTube video, Master Nan Lu shares his wisdom about the Universal energy that is in each and every one of us. As he states, "That star might be the mirror of you—Can you see that? Can you really believe that?" Without you, the Universe would not be complete.
Janine’s Story: Overcoming Fear Through QigongJanine recounts her ability to overcome a physically-debilitating fear through qigong practice. By recognizing that the fear exists in the mind, she was able to face it head-on.
Testimonial: The Power of Self-HealingAfter searching for a preventative approach to wellness, Marcy discovered TCM World. She walks us down her path toward the great power of self-healing.
Mind Over (Gray) Matter—The Healing Effects of MeditationResearchers have confirmed what Taoist masters have practiced for thousands of years—that mindful meditation can create visible and invisible change.
Testimonial: First Aid With TCMInstead of reaching for a traditional first aid kit, Irma used food, herbs, Medical Qigong, and acupuncture to heal from a painful oil burn.
Wintertime Tips For Self-HealingThousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese medicine practitioners intuitively discovered that nature and the human body are all deeply interconnected on the energetic level, and that many specific interrelationships could be practically applied for self-healing purposes. One such important relationship is that of each season’s energies to specific organ systems in the human body. The Kidney, […]
Testimonial: Fork in the RoadAfter receiving a report of high cholesterol levels, Ann decided to take the TCM approach rather than use medication. Her results were fantastic!
10 Things I Wish All Parents KnewDr. Stephen Cowan shares 10 tips on raising happy, healthy children.