
  • How Nancy Learned to Sing Again
    I began singing as a child. By the time I graduated college, I had become an acknowledged and very talented musician.  Through a series of circumstances and seemingly bad choices, I gave music up altogether. I pursued a business career, which was quite successful, but not very fulfilling. Giving up music was so painful to […]
  • Exclusive News for Coffee and Chocolate Lovers!
    There's no need to sneak in that extra piece of chocolate or extra cup of coffee. These bitter treats have been proven beneficial to cardiovascular health.
  • How Heavy is Your Emotional Baggage?
    Struggling with your weight? Instead of focusing on your food and fitness routine, start looking at the role that stress and emotions play on your physical body. Your body, mind, emotions, and spirit are an interrelated whole.
  • Qigong: Arlette’s Energy Healing Lifeline
    Arlette describes the transformations she has experienced in her 20 years of working with Dr. Lu, and the ways in which these teachings have navigated her through difficult times with ease.
  • How Joy Impacts the Heart
    Smiling and practicing joy can have a positive physical effect on your body.
  • Water: A Smooth Yet Unstoppable Force
    How can you be like water—a smooth yet unstoppable force?
  • 7 Tips For Sustainable Weight Loss
    Most weight-loss strategies are focused on external factors—it’s all about the weight, and the food. Counting calories, adding points, measuring food and even deny food cravings has become the norm. This limited view punishes the body.  In reality, excess weight is the body’s way of showing that it’s out of balance. Learning how to listen […]
  • Living Beyond Time: Spiritual Practice and Longevity
    Everyone is born into this life with a destiny. We all come here with a special purpose. We are born at a specific time on a particular day in a given year; we arrive in a certain city and are born to a set of parents—and we all have a time we will pass away. These […]
  • Five Emotions That Can Cause Commotion
    TCM believes that an excess of emotions can create commotion, or an imbalance in the body, which can affect individual organ systems and the body as a whole.