The Miracle of QiThis excerpt from Grand Master Lu's latest book details the miracle of the energy that connects and animates all of life--Qi.
Love, Sweet Love"What the world needs now is love, sweet love." Start at home. Better yet, start with yourself. Once you're happy, you can share your love all around.
TCM Talk: The Rise of “Functional Foods”The concept of functional foods--or food as medicine--tells us that each food has a powerful healing essence.
Face Your Fears TODAY!Today is National 'Face Your Fears' Day. What fears are preventing you from fully experiencing your life? Set yourself free!
Listen, Simply ListenYour body is very wise. It knows just what it needs to function at an optimal level. But all too often, we ignore the messages we receive. Now's the time to stop and truly listen.
Healing Beyond the PhysicalEverything in life has a reason and a purpose--even disease. Look deeply at your life to find its root cause.
A Calmer YouThere are many facets to your daily life, but in all of the hubbub, don't forget the most important part--YOU!
Empowering Women To Overcome Breast IssuesAn empowering, must-read article about how mind-body-spirit practices like Qigong prevent and naturally address breast cancer. Please share this post to help our mission -- prevention is the cure!
Procrastination: A Mind-Body-Spirit Energy DrainConstant worry and over-thinking unbalances your digestive system. So stop procrastinating, and finish that to-do list. Better yet, forget the list, and live in the moment!