
  • Nature Knows
    Each branch of a tree serves a purpose. Just as no one branch is unnecessary, nothing in life is unnecessary.
  • Belly Button Connections
    Energetically, your belly button allows you to connect to all bloodlines that came before you. These blood lines carry all of the wisdom in your genetic code.
  • Winter and the Water Element
    In Winter, your Kidney and Bladder maintain the body’s water systems and are the root of your vitality.
  • Chelsea’s Story: Finally Free
    After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, Chelsea discovered a lasting solution to health freedom--Dragon's Way Qigong!
  • Winter Solstice Meditative Practice: Tonight!
    We invite you to join us! Experience the power of group energy during the winter solstice: TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m.
  • The Winter Slow Down
    Follow Nature's lead! Slow down during the Winter to conserve and accumulate energy for Spring.
  • A Change in Perspective
    Everything is energy—including emotions. Looking at people and experiences from this perspective can help your emotions to flow smoothly.
  • Winter Soup Cleanse: Start With Scallop Soup!
    Scallops are an excellent way to give the Kidney a boost. Watch as Grand Master Lu prepares his scrumptious (and easy!) scallop soup.
  • Warm vs. Cold: What Your Body Craves
    Warming foods nourish and support the body. Eating warm, cooked food helps your body build Qi instead of using it for digestion.