Women’s Health: Moon Family
As the Full Beaver Moon illuminates the sky, the moon is in a partial lunar eclipse. On this day of celestial Qi flow, we celebrate the innate power of the moon, and likewise, the innate power of women.
Women come from the moon family—the most powerful family. While the sun needs to show itself every day, the full moon is invisible for all but one day every month. It balances an entire month of Qi in just one beautiful showing. Women hold this invisible power.
In the full moon we see yin and yang, day and night, invisible and visible. When the full moon fills the sky, the ocean tides are affected. Just as the ocean represents 70% of Earth, the human body is composed of about 70% water. The full moon doesn’t just affect the seas, it affects each one of us.
All life on Earth is based on the moon. Every time you have a problem, remember where you come from—the invisible family. That’s the power and the life behind you. The moon is always behind you. The invisible is always more powerful than the visible.
Enjoy Grand Master Lu’s words below. Embrace the power of the full moon while you hold the Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth.