Women’s Health: Creating Qi Life
Women are incredibly powerful. They can create life! But creating life is more than giving birth. How do we define life? In Chinese medicine, natural, Universal Qi combines with Earth Qi to create a human being. Using this definition, we are children of our parents, but also children of the universe.
Women are capable of creating Universal children! Nature has accepted and trusted women to nurture her babies. That’s powerful. Nurturing life is the most important gift in women’s health. It’s also the key to unlocking your potential. Many people have trouble conceiving and holding a pregnancy. All of the wisdom inherent in nurturing life is connected to love, cooperation, consciousness processing and creativity.
1. Love:
Without love, there is no life. There are many types of love: Nature’s love, Universal love, human love. The depth of life contains the information, blessing and consciousness of love.
2. Cooperation:
In order to bring a pregnancy to term, you need the full cooperation of your energetic body. The Liver must cooperate with your reproductive system and your Kidney. These energetic systems need to communicate and cooperate to not only conceive, but to hold a baby to full term.
3. Consciousness Processing:
Pregnancy is a time of processing. A woman’s body must know how to nurture and transform energy consciousness to the baby. When a pregnant mother eats, the food transforms into messages that are delivered to the baby. The baby relies on the mother. If foods are eaten with love, the message being delivered is one of health and love. For example, if a mother eats a lot of peanuts during her pregnancy, through her love she is processing this consciousness so the baby learns not to develop an allergy. This consciousness carries into other areas as well. Listening to classical music and visiting nice places sends that consciousness to the unborn baby.
4. Creativity:
Because women’s body can create something, this creativity is life creativity. From inside out, from nothing becomes something, from invisible becomes visible. Once you can transform invisible to visible, you can apply this power to any area of life. Creation is based on love.
These four areas make women so unique and so powerful. Can you see the love? Look at your physical features and compare them to your parents. Can you connect to this human love and to Universal love? Then you will understand what you receive from this Universe and what makes you unique.