Winter Transition Cooking: Shrimp and Veggie Soup
Have you thought about the reason we dress (and eat) for the season? It’s not just to keep our bodies warm, but to help us connect with Nature. In Winter, animals may hibernate or crawl deep into the soil, while plants and trees may go dormant. As humans, we cover our skin while outside to conserve our precious Qi, or cozy up by a nice, warm fire. Winter is our time to deeply rest and recharge, in preparation for our Spring renewal.
When we talk about resting, what does it entail? Sleep, of course, is very important. But resting is also about allowing your body, mind, and spirit to be totally at peace. You can certainly access that state through meditation and Qigong. However, the easiest place to start is with the digestive system. By feeding your body warming soups and drinks, your digestive system doesn’t need to work as hard to process your meals, and can take a much-needed rest.
Give this recipe a try. It’s thick without being creamy, and is hearty and satisfying without feeling or tasting heavy. With (or without) the shrimp, it’s a delicious way to end your day.
Shrimp and Vegetable Soup
1″ piece fresh ginger root, chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
1 Tablespoon olive oil
3 potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 celery stalks, chopped
1 tsp mushroom powder
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
11 ozs cream of mushroom soup
salt and pepper, to taste
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
12 large shrimp, raw, chopped
Place a tall pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger and allow to warm for about 3 minutes.
Add the olive oil and mix. Add the potatoes, carrots, celery, mushroom seasoning and celery salt. Mix to combine.
Add 10 cups of boiling water. Mix and bring to a simmer. Then add the cream of mushroom soup. Lower the heat and cover. Allow to cook until the vegetables are tender. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Just before serving, mix 2T cornstarch with 2T cold water in a small bowl until combined. Add the shrimp pieces to the bowl a few at a time, and coat well. With a spoon, carefully drop the shrimp into the hot soup. Continue until all shrimp are added. Cook 1-2 minutes and remove from the heat.
Give one final taste to season. Serve warm with freshly sauteed greens on the side.
Continue Your Eating-for-Healing Journey
Looking for more recipes? Just click here.
Join our virtual Winter Qi and Soup Cleanse with Grand Master Nan Lu, January 15-22, 2023. Nourish yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Stay tuned for more information and an opportunity to register in the coming weeks.