What Can Kids Teach Us About Letting Go?

Children know laughter. They giggle freely, dance in the rain, and find silliness wherever they go. As we go through life, that lightness we felt in childhood gets replaced with responsibilities, worries, and fears, often hardening us off to the world around us. Until we are able to again see the happier and freer side of life and lose ourselves again in childlike wonder, we skate through, day by day, often forgetting to laugh or even smile.

Throughout the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing tips learned from the Snake about being flexible, going with the flow, and learning to let go. In letting go, we don’t just release our past pain and pent up emotions, we allow ourselves to move forward with a lighter burden. Have you ever worried about something so deeply that it consumed you? And when you finally moved past that, your whole body responded? Afterward, your shoulders dropped a couple of inches, your face muscles relaxed, and you were able to smile. Sound familiar?

We are human. It is normal to feel emotion. However, letting go of emotions allows us to be free to express the other gifts we have been given, like happiness, love, and those silly belly laughs. All too often, we do things because we think we “must” or because we feel a certain expectation. But life can get way too serious. Even in the more trying moments, carve out time to be light and free. Watch the way kids play and join them! Make a snow angel, dance in the rain, run zoomies with the dog, or build a fort out of pillows. Take time to reconnect with that childlike silliness you still hold inside of you. These little moments remind us what it means to be alive.

Tips to Let Go

  1. Turn inward: What does it mean to truly listen? Notice your encounters with friends, family, and colleagues. Instead of jumping in with your feedback or responses, listen to what others are trying to convey. As you listen, your judgement will begin to fade, and you’ll see new perspectives.
  2. Start small: Work, home, dinner, sleep, work: sound familiar? It’s easy to get stuck in a day-in-day-out pattern. Exercise your flexibility by changing things little by little. For example, go for a walk during your lunch break, sing in the morning, enjoy that gooey cookie, or buy yourself flowers.
  3. Seeing is believing: We believe what we can visibly see. But what about the unseen? The invisible is more powerful than the visible. Start recognizing patterns in yourself. How is your body communicating with you? Does it share the same aches and pains during every seasonal transition? Do your knees hurt every evening around 6pm? These symptoms are the body’s way of sharing what is going on deep inside, on an invisible level. As you translate these messages and reconnect with your own body, you will begin to see the intricate workings of your energetic being. Outer reflects inner.
  4. Be happy. Take time to think about the things that make you happy in life. Being happy is your true practice.

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Have you ever wondered about patterns in the Universe and how we are inextricably connected? This course, offered by Grand Master Nan Lu, will take you on a journey into the Consciousness of the Five Elements to rediscover how the non-material world influences material outcomes. This is an advanced course but open to anyone with a basic understanding of Five Elements. Register today!