Weekly Challenge: Phone-Free Moments

Did you see it? That big, beautiful full moon so bright in the night sky? July’s Full Buck moon was bold and powerful this weekend. But did you take time to enjoy it?

So often in our lives, we race from one thing to the next, crossing things off of our lists as we go. We complete one thing and move on, often with a sigh of relief. Yes, life comes with its responsibilities, but where’s the joy in the every day? If we move too fast, we miss it entirely.

The phones are another distraction that take us away from life’s moments. We are so engrossed in what other people post that we often miss what’s happening under our noses. Often our phones are used to record life’s events—from the bigger moments to the smaller, everyday joys. But how often do you look back at those memories? What if you just lived them instead?

Join us in a weekly challenge! Put down the phone and be present. See what’s in front of you—blooming flowers, kids’ laughter, silly science experiments, dancing in the yard, a delicious dinner, the majesty of the full moon. Whatever it is, take time to engross yourself in it. Hear the laughter, enjoy the food, take in the views—without a phone between you and the excitement. Guaranteed, you’ll remember it!