Weekly Challenge: Changing Beliefs
Looking at life from the spiritual level, there are no accidents. Everything is a deliberate sign or symbol in this reality. Everything happens for a reason; everything happens for good. Can you actually see the good? Have you trained yourself to look for it?
I’d like to recommend that you spend time each day reflecting on the things you focus on, the thoughts you have, and the emotions you experience. What do you spend the most time concentrating on? What does this tell you? If your emotions have been challenged, think about who challenged them and why. What were your reactions? How can you see the situation differently?
– Grand Master Nan Lu
Excerpted from Digesting the Universe: A Revolutionary Framework for Healthy Metabolism Function
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Join us for Liver Qi Enhancement from March 19-26, 2023. Through Qigong practice and food choices that benefit the Liver, you’ll deeply connect to your own creative potential and journey into the energetic frequency of Spring.