Warm vs. Cold: What Your Body Craves
What comes to mind when you think of the word “warming”? You may envision yourself sitting on a beach with tropical sunshine on your face and sand between your toes. You close your eyes and feel at peace, comforted by the rolling ocean waves and renewed by the saltwater breeze. We all have different memories, and so our word associations could be entirely different. To some, “warming” might signify a steamy cup of hot chocolate while sitting in the stands during an ice hockey game. To others, “warming” brings back childhood memories of roasting s’mores over the campfire.
Whatever your association, your body innately connects “warming” with comfort. Warming foods and drinks nourish the body.
Think about a newborn baby. When the child it born, it nurses, rreceiving food that is already warm. Would you give a baby a bottle straight from the refrigerator? No, of course not. You’d warm it first, knowing that warm foods are easier on the digestive system. Give yourself the same TLC!
Putting cold in requires the body to use its Qi, or internal energy, to warm up the drink or food before starting the digestion process. If you already start with cooked foods, the body can conserve the energy it would have spent on breaking down and digesting your food. Save your Qi: Drink and eat warm!