The Need for Togetherness
Touch is the first human sense to develop while in utero, helping a newborn baby explore his world from birth. When that baby takes his first breath and is cradled by loving parents, his sense of touch is heightened. It continues to develop as he grows.
From studies of babies and young children living in orphanages, we know that touch is critical to human development, and in many cases, essential to survival. A loving or friendly touch releases oxytocin, a chemical in the brain that reduces stress and interestingly enough, boosts immunity. But throughout the pandemic, people around the world have been separated from loved ones. The lack of human connection has created added stress and anxiety, a condition recently dubbed ‘skin hunger’.
Knowing the importance of touch, people have developed interesting methods of remaining connected, albeit from a safe distance. The internet has been jumping with ideas, such as grandparents wearing inflatable suits to hug grandchildren and family members meeting newborn babies from behind windows. While touching hands with a pane of glass between you is not the same as a physical hug or handshake, it’s better than refraining entirely.
Social isolation has shown us just how critical it is to be there for each other. Employees and families alike have remained connected virtually. And while these connections are important, the benefits of an in-person interaction far surpasses those from behind a screen. So, be creative and make up your own methods of staying connected. Whether you send an air kiss, curtsy, bump elbows or create a unique greeting, use it to re-connect and renew.
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