Take the First Step
This week, the world celebrated the life and beautiful spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Not only did his life inspire others, it empowered them to make a change. His eloquent speeches perpetuated love, kindness, equality and respect for all. His words cut through barriers of all kinds—racial, socioeconomic and even lingual—and they still ring true to this day.
Most people have read his “I have a dream…” speech and have absorbed his words about strengthening the ties of love and driving out hate. But one lesser known quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. is this, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
Think about that. When you embark on a journey, the starting line is clear; you can see it and touch it. But the finish line is muddled, if it even exists.
We take the first step every single day without knowing the outcome. We have faith that where we are is where we are meant to be, and we walk a few steps further. The key here is putting our fears aside and walking that invisible staircase with confidence. We are in charge of our human journey. It can be an amazing adventure, filled with love, happiness and health. Of course, stumbling blocks pop up in our way from time to time, but we get to walk the staircase and choose the adventure in front of us each and every day.
Choose happiness. Choose love. Choose a good adventure. And most of all, enjoy the journey.