Summer’s Life-Giving Fire
Summer is ruled by the element of Fire. It is energetically associated with the Heart and its corresponding emotions of love and joy.
Out of Fire Comes Life
Many eons ago, the very beginning of life began with an explosion. This burst of energy created the universe. Stars were born. Spinning, burning balls of light coalesced into galaxies. Our own Milky Way galaxy came into being, with our Sun and its system of surrounding planets.
Fire is the mother of Earth. It is the energy that created galaxies and fueled civilizations. It provides light and warmth to us all. Controlled and regulated, it warms our houses, cooks our food, grows our crops and provides light in darkness. Without it, we could not have candles, lamps, electricity and most of the tools and technology we use in our lives on a daily basis. Fire is indeed king of all. Just like a tyrannical king, it can destroy lives when it is out of control. And like a kingdom without its king, life would wither and die without the fire of our Sun, freezing from lack of warmth and light.
Love is Transformative
Fire generates light energy, and light is love. Light is unlimited, and so is love. Just like energy, love can never be destroyed, only transformed. One might say that love is the only thing that can travel faster than the speed of light. Without love, we would wither away from the inside out. Without passion, life would be joyless. And without self-love, we could never blossom into the fullness of all we are meant to be.
The light of the Sun is unconditional love. The Sun always rises to shine its light on Earth. And in the darkness of night, the stars and galaxies burn brightly as a reminder that love is always surrounding us. To feel that eternal love we must listen to our Hearts. The Heart is your body’s Sun, the source of its fire, a fire eternally connected to the limitless love which created the universe.
If your birth element is Fire, your gift is the ability to remind us of this love. To remember the Source from which we all came, and the light to which we all eventually return. Passion, romance, interconnection, and procreation–radiant joy and love that inspires creativity. Fire inspires us to remember that no matter where we are in life, light and love can always be found within. It reminds us that love is infinite, and that we are limitless.