Stefani’s Story: Living a Miracle
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) 11 years ago and placed on thyroid medication, presumably for the rest of my life. About 3 months ago, I noticed interesting symptoms—fast heart rate, easy to anger, a 12-pound weight loss, and feelings of being edgy and anxious. I discussed this with my best friend from medical school.
My symptoms were nonspecific, due possibly to several different issues. I then realized they could be from too much thyroid medication. That day, I stopped taking it, informed my physician, and about a week later, I had a blood test. My thyroid function was absolutely normal. My physician was surprised (I wasn’t), so we repeated the blood work 6 weeks later. Again, my thyroid function was normal. I no longer take medication. I am so proud of myself—I am living a miracle.
For 30 years, I practiced Obstetrics-Gynecology. I retired in 2009 due to complete physical and emotional depletion and exhaustion. Nine years ago, I began studying with Grand Master Lu through Dragon’s Way Qigong.
I have learned to listen to the message “there are no accidents” in all aspects of my daily life. I am trying to go with the flow and let go of things that no longer serve me. Every day, I try to see the good, no matter the circumstances. And I practice Qigong. This takes time. I needed faith, and I needed to change my beliefs. There was no quick fix or magic pill.
Through the practice of Wu Ming Qigong, I healed my thyroid. I know that the body heals itself, and my body healed. My practice opens me to the Universe—Nature’s way—and I am living the result. My experience is such a blessing. I am eternally grateful to Grand Master Lu and his teachings.
-Stefani Filak
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