Spring Momentum: Can You Feel It?
According to the lunar calendar, the official start of Spring was February 4, 2023. Although many areas are still experiencing chilly weather, this prelude to Spring signals Nature’s rising energy.
Close your eyes and think back to last Spring. The gardens were alive with energy as new buds emerged from the soil and grew to full-size within a few days. In the early morning, before the sun had time to fully warm them, the blooms stayed closed. A few hours later, tulips, azaleas and daffodils opened to face the sun. They absorbed the energy they needed to show their true beauty.
While these transformations are still a couple of weeks off in the northeast, we can slowly see seasonal transitions taking place. As energy rises, we experience more hours of daylight. The sun’s rays feel warmer and stronger. Spring is a season of new beginnings. Every Spring, Nature transitions. Animals emerge from hibernation as Winter’s self-contained quiet comes to an end. Flowers and trees become full of life and color as they welcome this fresh new start. As humans, we also transition from season to season, and make room for our own new start.
Physically, Spring transitions may leave us feeling a bit achy and uncomfortable. Why? Everything is energy—even physical and emotional discomforts. As you process this seasonal change, take time to sit in Nature and observe what is happening. Instead of being an outsider in the natural world, make Nature a part of your daily life. Take longer walks along winding roads, spend a weekend out in the country, grow your own organic produce. Becoming one with Nature will help you to enjoy the gift that is bestowed upon us every year: Spring energy!
As Nature prepares and the season shifts, Qi rises. This energy surge is like getting a salary bonus—suddenly you have a lot more to spend! You may jump in head-first—cleaning, preparing, fixing, emptying, and organizing. But after you empty out crowded closets and junk drawers, do you focus on the things you left behind or on the tidy closets that you created? It’s all about perspective. If you can see past the garbage, you’ll open yourself up to the beautiful possibilities that follow: less stress, a lighter and freer attitude, and the wisdom that your body truly knows the shortcut to health and happiness.
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