Solving the Mystery: The Answer Lies Within

Throughout each day, we spend countless hours communicating with others—discussing work and family events, disappointments and excitements. We solve the mystery of lost keys and forgotten information. But have you ever taken the time to figure out the mystery of your own body?

Your body is continually talking to you. Every ache, every pain—every symptom—is a message from your body. It’s telling you that something is just not right. But do you give these symptoms the same time and attention that you give to other responsibilities in your life? Many of us pop an aspirin, wait 20 minutes, and continue on with our day. While that may help relieve the pain temporarily, it’s shutting the body up. Instead, take time to respect your body. Start picking up on the signs and signals it is sending you. Listen to these messages. And instead of approaching a “symptom” from an angle of fear, look at how the body might be using these physical messages to cue you in to what’s happening on an invisible level.

We are often stuck in our minds. We think through situations so completely that we imagine every possible scenario. But the mind is logical. The mind always changes. Life has become so difficult because we listen to the rational mind. If we really want to discover something bigger than the rational mind, we need to access the intuitive mind. The information will always be there. You can search for answers on Google or ask friends for advice. But all of this is just information until you bring it within and make it yours.

Trust your own body and your own intuition.

Realize the power of your body to heal.

The body never lies.

The answer will always be found within.

Practice With Us

Fall Harmony: Time to Harvest and Release: October 20 – 27

Fall is the best time to support healthy Lung and Colon Function. Join Grand Master Lu and practice Qigong movements, learn about the energetic function of your Lung and Large Intestine, and eat for ultimate seasonal healing. Register today!