The Five Elements: Seasonal Energies, An Energy Music Meditation CD

Nature’s Five Elements reflect the ancient observation of the endless correspondences that create our visible and invisible world. The way we honor and connect to Nature defines the depth of harmony within each of us. We are part of the Earth; we are not apart from the Earth.


SKU: CD5E Category:


Nature's Five Elements reflect the ancient observation of the endless correspondences that create our visible and invisible world. The way we honor and connect to Nature defines the depth of harmony within each of us. We are part of the Earth; we are not apart from the Earth. This energy music meditation, channeled by Grand Master Nan Lu, evokes the unique essence of each of the five seasons understood by traditional Chinese medicine-spring, summer, late summer, autumn and winter. Renew your spirit with a quiet journey through the gift of Nature's seasonal vibrational tones.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Media Type

CD and MP3, MP3 Only